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Defend the Caravan 2!

Posted by ActionSick - May 10th, 2009

Hey NG'ers

Some of you may know about my game, Defend the Caravan, probably not though because it wasn't as big as i wanted it to be... but that doesn't matter - what matters is that me and CaiWengi are starting on Defend the Caravan 2

Many towns and environments
Different carts that can be bought
HUGE achievement system that will fit into Newground's achievement system
Unique boss weapons
Tons of upgrades (defensive and offensive), weapons, enemies, and even hire able mercenaries!
Different horses
Strategic skill formulas (mixing skill combos)
Sandbox mode

How can you help?
Since the game is still in its alpha-stages, we need YOU to come up with ideas or suggestions
for the following things:

Weapons for the mouse-clickin'
Offensive or Defensive cart upgrades
Unique ideas for mercenaries
Unique carts
Bosses, as well as enemies
Stuff for the achievement system

If you need a better idea of the game, play the original here

.: Edit 0.0.1 :.
- Screenshot on gameplay screen, give me some suggestions for weapons, etc!
* NOTE: This is mostly a rough draft of the gameplay screen so far, some of the art will change but thats a general idea of what it'll look like!

Defend the Caravan 2!



D: !

You will not be very good at this game then.. :(

I'll defend the van, but the caravan, that is reallllly pushing it.
I'll think about it :)

think harder

Can I customize the caravan with pimped out rims and cheapo-chrome bumpers "pimp my ride" style?

haha that would be a cool mode if you beat the game


I am a fairly big fan of defense games. I would love to offer some ideas.


Spiked Gauntlet, upgraded damage.

Poison Dagger, does damage and causes damage over time.

Spinning Pole, large pole, greater area of attack.

Boot, does basic damage, but also kicks enemies back a little.

Net, immobilizing enemies for a short time.


Upgraded wheels, increase the carts speed, getting to endpoint faster.

Upgrade Caravan's haul, more health.

Side Barricades, protecting the sides from damage for a period of time.

Spikes, damages enemies close to he Caravan.

Fireproof Coating, take less damage from fire.


Knife Thrower, faster rate of fire, good damage, low accuracy.

Swordsman, very short range, high damage, high rate of...slashing?

Net thrower, throws net's doing no damage but slowing enemies down.

Repair man, heals the Caravan over time.

Spear man, longer range, okay damage.


Arrow cart, shoots arrows out of sides.

Upgraded Arrow cart, shoots arrows in all directions.

Log Cart, rolls out logs, hitting everything in their path.

Gas Cart, spreads poison gas over the field, doing damage over time.

Weapons Cart, temporarily gives weapons damage boost.

Carpenters Cart, heals Caravan's health.


Common Thief, walking thief armed with a knife.

Horse Rider, faster enemy attacking with sword.

Bowman, fires long range bows at the Caravan

Molotov Cocktail Thrower, throws flaming bottles, causing you to take damage over time until it burns out.

Cart Driver, releases several thief when destroyed.

(No idea for bosses yet, sorry. =/)


Long Driver, drive a total of XX miles.

Precision, don't miss for XX attacks.

Pacifist, don't attack for XX seconds.

Great Defender, Don't take any damage for XX amount of time.

Defeat first boss, and so on.

Hope this helps, I'll try to add more when my brain starts working again. ^^

Lots of help thanks alot, keep the ideas coming :D

Everyone who helps will be mentioned in the game somehow, possibly their NG name as an NPC.. their name will be in the credits for sure

Actually, I loved the first game. I liked the Fallout-y feel.

Thanks :D

Umm i hate defending caravans :<


But you will like this game

Played the first one, it was good, but was missing a lot.

Really looking forward for this, as this probably will add what was missed in the first one.

Good luck!

Thats exactly what we thought :D

what about minions, you know like, little things that follow you and you can order them to go where ever and they have melle attacks.

this game looks like one i'd enjoy im gonna play it now!